20444 - CDB Lincoln
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date | 8/17/22 10:30am |
Bid Date | 10/12/22 5:30pm |
Company & Contacts
861 S State St, Lincoln, IL 62656
A. Prequalification. Bidders and protected subcontractors must be prequalified with CDB; allow 45 days for application processing. For an application and a copy of CDB’s Standard Documents for Construction (applicable to this project), visit CDB’s Website www.illinois.gov/cdb or phone 217/782-6152 (TDD 217/524- 4449).
B. MBE/WBE/PBE/VBE. MBE/WBE/PBE/VBE firms must be certified or registered with CMS as an MBE, WBE, PBE, or VBE prior to bidding.
C. Prevailing Wage. Contractor shall not pay less than the prevailing rates of wages to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics performing work under this contract, and shall comply with the requirements of the Illinois Wages of Employees on Public Works Act (820 ILCS 130/1-12).
D. Registration with the Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG). Vendors may pre-register with the IPG and receive a vendor registration number. The IPG is a web based system that serves as the primary location for entering, organizing, and reviewing vendor information. The IPG allows prospective vendors to provide disclosures, registrations, and other documentation needed to do business with the State in advance of any particular procurement. Registration in the Illinois Procurement Gateway is optional.
E. Certifications and Disclosures. Vendors must have an approved Illinois Procurement Gateway registration number and completed Form B, or submit the Standard Certifications and Disclosure Form(s) (Form A) with bid at time of submittal. Failure to provide a completed Form A standard certifications and financial disclosure or Form B, be registered with the Illinois Procurement Gateway, will result in rejection of bid.
F. Subcontractors. You are also required to submit disclosure forms and standard certifications for subcontractors not considered incidental to the performance of the contract with an annual value over $50,000 within 20 days of execution of your contract with CDB or execution of the contract between you and your subcontractor, whichever is later. A valid IPG registration number can be provided in lieu of hard copies of the standard certifications and financial disclosure forms. (See D. above.) Subcontractors must receive an Authorization to Proceed prior to performance of any work.
G. Supplement to SDC. Bidders are advised to review Article 01 11 01, Supplement to SDC, for any revisions to the Standard Documents for Construction.
H. Progress Payments. Progress payments will normally be issued by the Illinois Comptroller within 30 business days after CDB receives and approves an Invoice-Voucher.
I. For Single Prime Delivery Method Projects: Any reference in the Specifications and the Drawings for Multiple Prime Trades shall be considered as the Prime Bidding Trade.
J. Bid Protest. Bidder may submit a written protest to the Protest Review Office following the requirements of the Administrative Rules, 44 Ill. Adm. Code 8.2075. For protests related to specifications, the Protest Review Office must physically receive the protest no later than fourteen (14) days after solicitation or related addendum was posted to the Bulletin. For protest related to rejection of individual bids or awards, the protest must be received by close of business no later than fourteen (14) days after the protesting party knows or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest. To reach the Protest Review Office: